Monday, 10 January 2011

23 weeks pregnant

A la my new years resolution, I am going to try to be a more dependable blogger.  Not that reliability is necessarily a great trait for bloggers, as interesting and creative are probably more valuable traits, but at least it's something.  So we're about a week and a half into the new year, and I'm posting again.

I intended to do a little weekly pregnancy update on here.  Obviously, it hasn't happened, and I've just been posting willy-nilly about pregnancy and family topics as they've occurred to me and I had time.  If I'd paid less attention to willy and more to blogging, I'd probably have a lot more readers.  On the other hand, I probably wouldn't have a pregnancy blog.  (Sorry for the bad play on words. It wasn't planned, I promise.

My growing bump at 23 weeks
At any rate, I'm now 23 weeks pregnant.  This is about the point where babies are considered viable.  That means that if my baby were born now, he would have a fighting chance.  Still a small chance, though, so let's hope he stays put for awhile.  As both of his big sisters were late, I doubt that it will be a problem.

He is starting to get into more of an asleep/awake pattern, so that he'll move around for awhile and then be quiet for awhile at regular intervals.  Yes, I can feel him move around.  He even woke me up for the first time this week because apparently 3 am was a good time to have a party, or practice kick-boxing, or whatever it is babies do in there.  Ironically, as I'm writing this he just woke up and started kicking again.  In my head he's saying, "Are you talking about me again?"

To find out more about week 23 of pregnancy, click here or here.

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