Friday, 11 January 2013

So long 2012..Hello 2013 Resolutions

This was my 2012 soundtrack.  These are the songs that pretty much sum everything up; the songs that I listened to over and over and over again; the songs that caught a mood or a moment or months somehow.  If my life were a movie (and we can all be thankful that it's not), this would be the 2012 soundtrack.

2012 Soundtrack by Keri on Grooveshark

I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to New Year's Resolutions, but I feel like I'm at a turning point that happens to coincide with the beginning of 2013, so I have set some goals.

1. Get Organized

Source: via Keri on Pinterest

In some ways, I'm really organized.  In other ways, I'm a walking disaster area.  I want to get more organized, and include the family in my organization.

2. Write more

Obviously, I'm not a regular blogger.  Sometimes I overwhelm the blog with new stuff, and sometimes I mysteriously disappear for months.  In the blogosphere and beyond, I want to write more.

3. Get Healthy

I've spent too long being comfortable with bad habits.  This year, I want to make a change to a healthier lifestyle.  I need to lose some weight (OK, a lot of weight), get in shape, eat healthier, think healthier, etc.  For my sake and for my family, I want to get healthy.  At the end of the year, I want to look back at pictures and see a marked difference.  I want to think, "Wow, did I really look like that?" I want to have enough energy.

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