Thursday, 19 August 2010

Things I want to remember about this pregnancy:

  • We were so happy and excited.  I can remember all of the anticipation before hand, and how absolutely thrilled we were when I took the test and it came back positive.
  • Like with all of my pregnancies, I was really tired during the first couple of weeks.  It was a satisfying kind of tired, the kind that makes you sleepy but also a bit smug because you know the reason why.   My husband was fantastic about getting up with our girls in the morning and letting me rest (sometimes for naps in the afternoon too).  The girls were also very patient about watching children's TV more often than normal so that I could rest.
  • This little baby was (and is) greatly loved.  I remember my husband saying "I love you", then putting his hand over my tummy and saying "and you."
  • I may only have been in the first trimester, but being pregnant definitely affected my eating.  I ate stuffed vine leaves like crazy.  My husband kept buying them for me, and I just couldn't get enough of them.  I remember one perfect day when I felt pregnant and fantastic.  We went to the market and the olive guy gave me a huge free pot of stuffed vine leaves.  A kind lady on Freecycle gave me a huge bag of fantastic maternity clothes.  It was a beautiful sunny day and we played outside with our girls.  It was just a bunch of little things, but it was such a happy day.
  • I also really liked shakes.  It was really hot, and we don't have air conditioning.  Pretty much every day I made myself a shake for breakfast with ice, a banana, some milk, some nesquik, a spoonful of peanut butter, and some flaxseed.

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